Fit Tips Hindi

Cardio before or after weights?

Cardio before or after weights

When it comes to the question of whether to do cardio before or after weights, the answer depends on your fitness goals. Here’s a breakdown of the key considerations:

Cardio Before Weights for Endurance Goals

Cardio before or after weights

If your primary goal is to improve cardiovascular endurance or burn fat, it is generally recommended to perform cardio first. Doing so will ensure that you are fresh and can maximize your aerobic performance. Studies show that starting with cardio can help optimize heart health and fat loss, especially for those working towards weight loss or general fitness​(Knowridge Science Report)​(

Weights Before Cardio for Strength Goals:

For those looking to build muscle or increase strength, it’s better to lift weights first. Starting with weights allows you to focus on lifting heavier and maintaining proper form when your energy levels are at their highest. Doing cardio before strength training may fatigue your muscles, limiting your strength performance during lifting sessions​(Knowridge Science Report)​(

Concurrent Training for General Fitness:

Many people combine both cardio and weights in a single session to maximize time. For general health and fitness, this combination, known as concurrent training, provides a well-rounded approach. Research indicates that whether you do cardio or weights first, you will still gain health benefits such as improved aerobic capacity and muscular strength. The sequence might only slightly impact specific performance aspects​(Knowridge Science Report).

Performance Athletes and the Interference Effect:

Athletes who train intensely and frequently may need to consider the “interference effect,” where performing both cardio and weights in the same session can hinder strength and power gains. In such cases, it’s better to split cardio and weight training into different sessions or alternate days​(

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

If fat loss is the goal, combining high-intensity cardio with weight training can be highly effective. HIIT, especially when done before weight training, can increase overall fat-burning potential​(

Ultimately, for most people, the choice between cardio or weights first comes down to personal preference and specific goals. If endurance and fat loss are priorities, start with cardio. If building muscle is the focus, lift weights first.


  1. Is it better to do cardio before or after weights?
    • If your goal is endurance or fat loss, do cardio first. For strength or muscle gain, weights should come first.
  2. Will doing cardio first reduce my muscle gains?
    • Cardio before weights can slightly reduce muscle performance if your goal is to maximize strength gains. It’s better to do weights first if strength is your priority.
  3. Can I combine cardio and weight training in the same session?
    • Yes, combining both forms of exercise in a single session is fine for general health. Just be mindful of your energy levels and your goals.
  4. How often should I do cardio and weights?
    • For overall health, aim for 150 minutes of moderate cardio and two strength training sessions each week.
  5. Does cardio interfere with muscle growth?
    • High-intensity cardio may interfere with muscle growth if performed in excess. For best results, separate intense cardio and strength training sessions.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can optimize your workout routine to match your fitness goals, whether it’s improving cardiovascular endurance, building strength, or achieving a balance of both.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for startups only and should not be construed as medical or fitness advice. It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional or certified fitness trainer before starting any new exercise session.

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